01 October 2008


Woah this is beautiful. i just laid my back on the charpoy placed in the frontyard cum sehan of my taya's place and the first thing or things i saw, stars! Its like i'm in the planetarium, they're so clear and pretty. Some are bright, some very dim but certainly they're much clearer than they're in Lahore.
If i look around, i'll find a series of other charpoys, and some members of the animal kingdom as well, tethered nearby, some sleeping others just grazing quietly. To be precise, its 3 cows and 8 goats. But you wont wanna count the mosquitoes out, small but powerful. So that makes 1million and 11 animals around me. And frankly, the pedestal fan aptly carries the aroma of the above mentioned 11 animals. But nevermind, the fan also carries that aroma away, so its just a passing smell lol.
Anyways, mom dad and sis wanted to sleep inside, and i pity them coz its kinda hot inside. Kinda hot means pretty hot and humid. Despite the extra fan that taya arranged for them.
I've been sleeping around all evening, at different places, mostly at Bari Phuppo's place, in her courtyard, in the heat, sweating, but still sleeping. Maybe thats coz of the hangover of the surprise eid syndrome. When i got back to taya's place i realised my back itched, i still dunno why. That itch is gone but i'm guessing some adventurous mosquitoes decided to venture in unknown territory. Very intelligent of them. I'm good now anyways alhamdulillah. This pedestal fan is shooing the mosquitoes away.
The rest of my family is finding it very difficult to sleep in hasilpur coz of the heat. Funny how luxuries like the ac can change you. As far as i'm concerned, lately, i've come under the bad influence of my own sleepiness. Which means i fall asleep in all states of rest or motion; rickshaw, bus, car, van, garmi, sardi, 5 ppl on one mattress, sofa, sitting, standing, half sitting half reclining and what not. So i'm not really complaining. Besides, its just the mosquitoes that bother me, the rest is fine.
Hey i got eidi, kafi sari MashaALLAH, still haven't counted it properly, but i think i can finally buy bvlgari inshaAllah.

Anyways, the stars are pretty, though when i started writing this post, i had my glasses on and now i dont (imran bhai took them away). Now i can only see the brightest of stars and i'm guessing they're pretty from previous knowledge. But that doesn't really matter. We can sleep as long as the stars are around. When sun pushes its way through, its retreat time! Ofcourse i'll try finding cold enough room inside the house to catch on my sleep. And i'll get some place inshaAllah inshaAllah.


Unknown said...

funny I was actually explaining the whole phenomenon of stars without city lights to a friend of mine the otehr day... eid is the best time because moon is at its weakest !!

the best sight is when bijlee gyee ho... the sky suddenly becomes so full of lights :) !!!

when u get to go to abbottabad on that final year trip with uni... keep an eye out for them... wahan aisay lagta hai jaisay sky has actually come miles down !!! so many stars !!!

m.h.a said...

We've already gone on the trip yar. Its even mentioned in lots of my post but you prolly didn't read my blog back then. In mechanical, we go to abtbd in the 3rd year rather than the last. But anyways yar, i've always spent quite many of my holidays in abbotabad, have cousins there so since times immemorial, we used to be dazzled by the stars and the beautiful city. We went to thandiani this summer and it was even better, the higher you go the clearer the stars are. I remember years back, we went to khaira gali and we were all sitting on a terrace and making constellations lol. All cousins. That was cool.

Anonymous said...

You sure are into astronomy and perhaps, one of the driving force behind you preferring to sleep outside must be your very interest in the stars and heavens above...

the calm rural life has its perks
the urban life ages you and your state of mind astoundingly quick

have some mospel smudged all over you to fight these machaars and teach them a lesson they never forget (poor guys have a lifespan of 1 day, so even if they remember, no point of utilizing that knowledge) ... :)

m.h.a said...

haha.yes i'm all for astronomy, i love it. and i'm all for all the mysterious things in the universe. But thats not the reason behind my sleeping outside. The real reason was that it was tooooooo hot inside. And no doubt rural life has its perks, but its not really easy. There're a lot of tough tough things you gotta deal with. But then again, adjusting in every new place is difficult, and takes a little time. But whatever it is, its a break from the urban routine. Can you imagine, it was a holiday today, and i was up at 9! And i was fresh!