29 November 2008

Need your prayers

I dont know how many people read this, but whoever does, pray for me. I'm in deep deep shit. Pray the jeopardy ends really soon, or its gonna give me a nervous breakdown!


Unknown said...

my humble and sincere prayers n wishes!!!

you will make it through inshAllah... n remember.. what does not kill you only makes you stronger!

m.h.a said...

Kanye west? :p

Anonymous said...

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm i hope you safely sail through ur troubles and land on the shores as soon as possible :p :)
best of luck

Unknown said...

were the words 'kanye west? :P' a response to my comment?

if you are creditting 'what does not kill you makes you stronger' to kanye west then you are strongly mistaken my friend... he just quoted it.. if he did... for i aint a fan !

Kulsoom said...

^^amen amen

DuFFeR ڈفرستان ۔ said...

I am back man
and my prayers are with you
but tell you something important
why don't you try water along with prayers?

Anonymous said...

May Allah (SWT) help you through these hard times...

Anonymous said...

May God set you on the tracks of ease and gains... and give you the strength to crush all the little pebbles in the way known to you as 'troubles'

Um3r said...

kya tension ho gaye hai?