23 January 2011

Many tries later.

There was once a time that blogging was an everyday passion for me. Then slowly, gradually my posts dwindled and finally came to a stop. That doesn't mean that I lost my passion for writing, infact, the passion grew manifold. I started writing facebook notes, as I thought they were more accessible to the people around me but slowly gradually my writings grew lengthy and it took people lots of courage to start reading them all. Besides, I always missed blogger, and the template of my blog, and my readers who I found I out I loved and missed. Though I never had that many readers but the ones who always visited and commented certainly had left their mark on me.
I started writing for an online magazine too. It was then I discovered a startling fact about myself. That magazine demanded serious and positive articles about current issues. And the contribution had to be regular. Sadly this was a lethal combination. I wrote for a few weeks and then all of a sudden I realized that I looked for opportunities to write some more interesting, witty and light hearted stuff. So gradually, at the first chance it got, the heart complained of lack of issues to talk about and at the very first opportunity, I stopped writing complaining of being busy. Atleast that's what the excuse my heart made to my mind.
This wasn't the end, I registered at ODesk too, deciding to earn a little money from writing. Firstly, I never got a project, secondly, I decided it was totally unlike me to sell my creativity. Therefore immediately I dropped the idea.
What it seems is that my longest standing affair has been with blogger and I am finally, once again making a return. I won't expect many witnesses, but if there are any readers still left looking for me, well I am here. For good.
Btw, some changes in my life. I have started working. And I have bought an SLR too (old news now btw). So life's awesome Alhamdulillah.
And yes, introducing a new character to my blog, Moo. She appeared under a different name earlier (of wrist bands fame :p). Moo is the most important part of me. Full stop :)


Unknown said...

ek dafa phir say... ayo jee :P

Calm Cool said...

welcome back!