29 June 2009

Heart and mind

Heart: i wanna write a post

mind: haha, watch brazil vs usa instead

heart: ummm okay, can't i do it while watching?

Heart (again): you stupid idiot! Its football. You dont stuff while watching football.

Mind: quiet!

Heart: so the match is over, now?

Mind: sometime in this life try giving me a break!

Heart: oh yeah you give me a break!

Mind: from wat?

Heart: from watever

mind: haha okay lets write a post

heart: thats more like it, about wat?

Mind: how'd i know?

Heart: how'd i know?

Mind: how'd i know?

Heart: how'd i know?

Mind: then forget it, it was your idea

heart: okay lets write our dialogue down

mind: the fingers are already doin that...oh wait haven't they messed up our dialogues?

Heart: genius its your fault, your job is to remember stuff

mind: oh yeah? Do you ever let me be free? You always have a new PROJECT coming up to keep me busy

heart: haha projects

mind: cant even think of a better word

heart: haha bloody wannabe thesauras

mind: technically you are bloodier! :)

heart: and since when have i been technical?

Mind: haha, our dialogues aren't THAT mixed up! Haha


Anonymous said...

lol no wonder u are never in a normal state of mind and heart :p thats what goes on inside you :p

F. said...

Your Heart is so cute but your Mind is an annoying smartaleck.
Look into it. :>

m.h.a said...

Haha no thats not wat happens always, but you know, the two friends are in conflict sometimes, only sometimes

comeon the mind isn't that bad, just has a dark sense of humor which the heart doesn't relate to, besides it considers itself superior to the heart because it can actually think, but i love them both. Naturally.
And thanx a lot for visiting the blog. Hope this wont be the last visit :)

Anonymous said...

sometimes is enough :p never happened with me..mine are in perfect harmony :p

Unknown said...

hehe... after a long time.. an mha signature post!

Tazeen said...

This is actually cool! Reminds me so much of my conversations with my Alter Ego :)