This moment he could feel life on his fingers, he could smell it, he could hear it, he could taste its sweetness, he could see the light, most importantly, he could feel life waking up in his heart. Just as a ten year old is roused from his sleep and gains consciousness. That moment was his, and every moment since that moment, he thought, belonged to him. Its funny, at such times, people wonder if anything in the world could dampen their spirits or bring them down. They forget that in every moment before this current moment, they couldn't think of light. They wouldn't think of it even if they could. Because sorrow is so indulging, so completely swallowing the very man she lives on. Yet, one sparkle of light washes away universes of darkness. Light banishes darkness, or so it seems to the person it protects. He felt the same.
Every part of his body wanted to sing, to dance, to break free from the clutches of worldly limitations. But he sat still, savouring the moment, savouring the sweet taste of freedom. He wondered why was this moment different from all others. He knew the answer. In every preceding moment, he didn't belong to himself. Unconsciously, he had sold his soul to someone who unknowingly had bought him, his soul, his body, his mind and heart. Yet that someone was as far from him as land is from the skies. He wasn't free. Memories, hopes, fears bound him. Love bound him. Its chains stung him like barbed wires, yet he was numb to the pain, thinking the pain was worth it. He knew not, that it was never worth it. He thought that all the drops of blood that left his tiny wounds and all the tears that his eyes shed were nurturing his love. . But he knew not. That love never binds. It sets you free. Love doesn't only give you hope, it is the stuff dreams are made of. Love takes away your fears, doesn't leave them to you or you to them. Love doesn't leave memories. Love, when it happens, is always there, always the present, always happening, always around you. Your heart, mind and soul become one with love and there is no space for memories. Memories are but a fickle phenomenon, they can never take the place of what true love is at all times. They are hallucinations. And today, he was free. This moment, all memories, all fears, all hopes and things he used to called love, everything that hurt him, that bound him, all clutches all ropes all chains, everything was broken, banished. He knew, he'd got his soul back. He knew he was himself again. He was his own again. And once again, he could feel life on his fingers, he could smell it...